What is IRS Penalty Abatement?

In many cases of tax debt, the penalty and interest portion of the tax debt is quite significant. If you are facing penalties for not filing or paying your taxes on time, you may be able to get those penalties removed (or even get past penalties and interest refunded) through a method of tax negotiation known as penalty abatement or penalty adjustment. Abatement refers to eliminating assessed tax liability and an adjustment reference reducing or altering an assessed tax liability.

Relief from penalties falls into four separate categories: Reasonable Cause, Statutory Exceptions, Administrative Waivers, and Correction in Service Error.

What is a Reasonable Cause?

If there is a ‘reasonable cause’ for abatement or adjustment, the IRS may be willing to review the penalties which created a tax liability. Reasonable cause can include:

  • Wrong mailing address
  • A death or illness in the family
  • An error caused by an IRS employee
  • Natural disasters like an earthquake, floods, or other catastrophes

How to Request Abatement of Tax Penalties?

About one-third of tax penalties are eventually removed by the IRS through successful tax resolution. To request that a tax penalty be removed or refunded you need to fill out IRS Form 843. This form of tax resolution is called a “Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement.”

Professional Help with IRS Penalty Abatement

We can work with you to make payment arrangements that the IRS will accept. If there were circumstances beyond your control that prevented you from paying your tax debt and led to delinquency, our tax specialists are able to challenge the penalties and interest that have built up.

Penalty Abatement can be the best solution to resolving IRS Tax Debt.

There is a solution to every IRS problem! Let us help you stop worrying and start living!

Contact Us Today

If you need an expert tax resolution provider who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, call us today at 1.888.4TAXREZ or use our contact form, and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.